Wondering About Your Purpose?

Posted in Streaming Spirit Messages with tags , , , , , , on May 6, 2011 by Amy Kay Raymond

Check out this bucket of Beauty. Is this not a whiff of Heaven or what?!?

Upon awakening, this streaming Spirit message came through…on Purpose…about Purpose:

Dear Ones,

Your Purpose is to breathe

Your Purpose is to be here Now and settle into this moment

Your Purpose is to be a vessel for Light to shine through

Your Purpose is to LOVE big

Your Purpose is to trust that all is unfolding exactly as it should

Your Purpose is to savor the silence, for this is where I dwell

Your Purpose is to Give your best to the world

Your Purpose is to focus on the Good happening in every moment

Your Purpose is to find Me in EVERYTHING and celebrate all of it

Your Purpose is to laugh, remember who you really are and spread the Light

Your Purpose is to leave this day better than you found it

Shine on, sweet ones. Shine on.

Life Happens – Suffering is Optional

Posted in Uncategorized with tags , , , , , on April 25, 2011 by Amy Kay Raymond

Walking towards the Light.

Up, down, around, backwards, belly up, upside down, sideways. Weeeeeeee! Yep, such is this thing called Life.

As a spiritual being having a human experience, this journey can be quite a trip. There are so many unexpected and expected twists and turns. The laughable thing is that we try to plan for them, protect ourself from them, guesstimate when things are going to happen – if they ever even do, and often we even take huge unnecessary precautions to try and safeguard ourselves from the inevitable…pain. How long we experience the pain, now that’s up to us entirely. Cultivating an attitude of gratitude certainly is a huge gift to ourselves and everyone else around us. Gratitude dissipates so much of the pain, instantly.

One sure thing about life is it’s unpredictability. Having a strong and balanced body, mind and spirit definitely provides a solid foundation for when life takes it’s turns. Freeing ourselves of addictions – physically, mentally and emotionally – is such a huge part of our work here on the planet. Shedding all that is not vibrant, loving, peaceful and compassionate inside of ourselves will definitely propel us faster and farther along the Spiritual path.

One addiction that is viral on planet Earth = suffering. We are so creative! We are brilliant masters of this pain game. We have cultivated countless ways of suffering…so many, it’s hard to even count. Our systems can somehow tolerate gigantic amounts of misery because we are so used to it. Shockingly enough, we don’t even realize most of the time that we are suffering. Our tolerance for the blues has simply become the norm. The question is why are we tolerating when we could be beaming with joy?

Suffering alert: If you feel icky more than you feel Joyful, then you might have an addiction to suffering.  

Here’s a fun an interesting challenge: Notice today what emotional path you are going down the most. Then notice once you’ve gone down the given path if you are choosing to camp out there or move on. Is your usual path one of  Joy or is it one of Suffering? Refrain from self judgements about this. That’s just more suffering. Just notice.

Becoming aware of what we emanate the most is key to expanding and shifting our consciousness. If your dominant intent is to feel Good, then look for things that make you feel Good. Taking in nature, beauty, hanging out with joyful people, contributing your gifts and talents, giving and receiving love, etc… These thing have a way of upping our feel Good factor quickly.

Doh! Stop the misery train! Refrain from indulging the ego in that negative conversation. Turn off the toxic “news.” Stop checking out that accident that’s holding up traffic. Halt any habitual obsessing about the past, present or future. Connect to the present moment and take in all of it’s wonders. When we do this, that’s when we are going to attract the Good stuff. When we feel Good, we are vibrating with our higher power. Feeling Good = Attracting Good stuff. Always.

Hey, be easy on yourself!  You’ve probably been operating, like most of us, a certain way for a very long time. It takes a vision, some time and determined effort to switch over to the path of Light. Once you start practicing feeling Good, it will become your new habit. Your new way of being. 

And when you hit a bump of suffering, you can remember: Hey, wait…this suffering stuff is Optional!

One smile at a time.

Enjoy the journey.

It’s why we’re here!



Heaven is Where Your Feet Are

Posted in Streaming Spirit Messages with tags , , , , , , on April 21, 2011 by Amy Kay Raymond

Here is a slice of Heaven that my heart was led to find this week. I’m so glad I listened!

A Streaming Spirit Message for You:

Dear One,

Be discerning with your energy – – – choose carefully where you choose to place it, for it is precious

Trust that none of what is happening is by accident

Everything is unfolding for your Highest Good

Right Here. Right Now.

Open up your mind to receive your Good

Let go of the need to “know” what your life is going to look like

Bless the way it is Today

Allow room for joyful unexpected blessings!

Follow your heart and create the life you so desire

Be open to your desires changing and changing quickly

Speak your Truth with confidence and conviction

For that is Me, beaming through you

Create your own slice of Heaven with every step you take

Your Divine Appointment is to spread the Light with reckless abandon

Release the trappings of your mind to the wind

For all that truly matters is Love

Give it away and enjoy the magical unfolding of your Life

Be not afraid to walk the road less travelled

For I am with you, Always, in every way.

And so it is.

Paradise is a Choice

Posted in Uncategorized with tags , , , , , , , on April 12, 2011 by Amy Kay Raymond

Wow! This morning is so phenomenally beautiful. Just another day in Paradise…isn’t it? The birds are singing, the sun is beaming, the Heavenly scents of blooming flowers are wafting through the air and we have infinite resources at our fingertips. Oh, and people are Good. At least that’s what I’m choosing to focus on today. Cuz that just feels Good and brings even more Good stuff our way.

Hey, the fact that we woke up at all is a very telling thing. I’m thinkin’ that means that something higher than ourselves still wants us here. There’s still a Divine Appointment that we’re meant to keep. We’ve still got work to do…or actually, there’s still play time to experience.

If your moment by moment existence is not exactly Heavenly then perhaps today is the day to make a shift towards the reality that you desire. Just doing one thing differently on this gorgeous day could spin you in a whole other direction.

Used to eating a lot of sugar everyday? Choose again. No time for exercise? Choose to make some. Feeling weighed down by an old habit of negative thinking? Choose to see the positive sides of things instead. Break the cycle of the old way of doing things. One little step is all it takes. Afraid to take that class for fear of blah, blah, blah? Just freakin’ sign up already!

When we want something, that something wants you. It is put there – ON PURPOSE – by Spirit. And who the heck are we to dis Spirit? Helllllllooooooo. How our desires fulfill themselves is none of our business! We do not have to know the how. We just have to take a step towards our Joy and see what happens next. Our silent partner has more ways of bringing our Good to us that we even know.  Ahhhhh, what a relief. And yes, we CAN actually trust this. Trust is, after all, a choice.

Hey, here’s a radical thought to think today: The Universe is always conspiring for my Good.

Check in with your sweet self. How does that thought feel?

Or what about this one: I give freely and fearlessly into life and life gives back to me with fabulous INCREASE. (Yeah! Now we’re talkin’!)

Why not think something different today? Spring represents new beginnings, so now is the perfect time.

Well, that’s what I have to say this morning.

Now…I’m off to experience Paradise.

Care to join me?

Love is Here – Right Now

Posted in Uncategorized with tags , , , , , , , on March 31, 2011 by Amy Kay Raymond

This photograph was taken in Pasadena as I was holding a stray cat outside of our window. As you can see on their faces…total BETRAYAL. Ouch!

As I write this morning, I find that I am bookended by two enormously loving fuzzballs…aka…gigantic cats. One is on each side of my chair, securely guarding their Mom while oozing mucho protective energy. When I came out of meditation and looked down at this hilarious scene going on by my feet, something pretty profound occurred to me:

I am surrounded by soooooooo much Love. WE ALL ARE.

Miss Demeanor is even touching my chair with her paw, just to make sure that we have some sort of contact. They don’t seem to be moving anytime soon either. I also have the sweetest husband in the world who brought me a hot cup of green tea so when my eyes opened after meditation, it would be waiting for me. What an angel. I am so Blessed.

Think about this. Do you know or even realize how much Love is surrounding you every single day of your life? We become so busy and immersed in our hectic daily lives that we forget what is right in front of our face. Are you aware of your physical angels in this life? You know, those who are there for you no matter what. Is there someone right in front of your face whom you know loves you to pieces but they’re always there so you don’t even think about it? If so…today is your day to tell them.

Every moment is an opportunity to give and receive Love.

Who’s in your life that could use some Love today?

Maybe it’s Yourself….ohhhhhh, that’s a good one. Yes, YOU. If this resonates with your soul, then what are you going to do for yourself today? It doesn’t have to be earth shattering or time consuming. It could be a meditative walk, a pedicure or taking the time to read a chapter of your favorite book. Perhaps it could be paying an overdue bill, doing some de-cluttering or calling up an old friend for some reminiscing and laughs. Whatever feels Good and loving, decide to do it for your sweet self, TODAY.

Hey, why not?

Today is all we’ve got.

Love it up, ya’ll!

Light Vs. Dark – Where Do You Go?

Posted in Uncategorized with tags , , , , , on March 23, 2011 by Amy Kay Raymond

This view was absolutely breathtaking this morning. What an awesome way to wake up…with a heart full of Gratitude.

With all of the um, ‘interesting’, things happening on our planet right now, we are being given a plethora of opportunities to choose what we’re going to focus on. When you look at this picture, where do you automatically focus? Do you think about a storm or bad weather that might be on the way? Do you lean towards the light and see the good that is bursting into existence? Maybe you might notice the stark contrast and that illicits immense Gratitude for both?

There is no right or wrong here. It’s just a great opportunity to become aware, once again, of our vision and what we’re choosing to see. Immediately after taking the picture, a pretty inspiring thing happened. I was standing in the midst of a glorious symphony of birdie voices. Joyous birdies were chirping, singing and hopping around happily. Then out of nowhere came loud sirens at the exact same time.

It became incredibly apparent to me that at that moment I had a choice. Wanting peace and beauty, I chose to focus on the light-the joy-the symphony-the Heaven. This put me in a space of total bliss and high vibration, despite the contradicting background noise. It literally felt like I was in another dimension…in between two worlds. When I chose the peace filled world…at that very moment… all sounds of sirens ceased. Hell dissipated instantly. There were no sirens to be heard. There weren’t even trailing siren sounds wafting off in the far distance. Instant peace.

It makes me think, once again, about what would happen on the planet if all of us focused on the Good things happening?

There’s a new world waiting to be discovered, celebrated and savored.

THIS is the new paradigm.

Let the sun shine. Let the sun shine in…

Feel Good Now – The Sky’s The Limit!

Posted in Uncategorized with tags , , , , , , , on March 18, 2011 by Amy Kay Raymond

Expansion of Consciousness alert!

This just in from the front lines of Operation Transformation 2011

It’s no secret that many of our greatest spiritual teachers today are talking about our thoughts and how important it is to be aware of what we’re thinking. It’s said that if we don’t like our current reality, we need to change our thoughts. However, during these 3 years of vigilantly exercising this wisdom, a piece of the puzzle has been missing for me.  My mind is well aware of the truth that our thoughts create our feelings. But I haven’t been able to figure out how to change my thoughts if my mind is going a million miles an hour. Where to begin?

First of all, it is important to remember that we have behaved certain ways our entire lives and these behaviors have formed patterns. Then boom! All of a sudden we learn something reality shattering that totally contradicts everything we’ve ever known. We learn that we don’t have to believe our thoughts. WHAT A CONCEPT! A thought is just a thought until we believe it. Only then it becomes a belief. Our thoughts are just…thoughts. If you don’t like what you’re thinking, change your thought.

I wrestled this whole concept to the ground on most days and it became apparent to me that I was the classic flip flopper. Some days I was successful during certain moments and on other days, I felt completely overwhelmed and unequipped to create my own happiness. There’s nothing more frustrating than knowing the wisdom that can propel us out of hell, but not being able to apply it because of…well, we don’t freakin’ know why!

I worked this whole new ideology inside and out, up, backwards and down. The word “worked” should of been my first clue. There wasn’t a lot of play involved. I was very intent about getting this whole thing “right.” In other words…I was trying wayyyyy too hard. I knew something was off by observing my external reality: My Life. I could not make this ideology work consistently and my life reflected that.  Up, down. Up, down. I couldn’t get happy by simply changing my thoughts. At least, I couldn’t STAY happy. However, now I think by trial and trial, I have finally figured out the key. This is a moment-at-a-time Spiritual practice. Let me also say this: MASSIVE self discipline is required.


The thoughts create the feelings, clearly. But rather than trying to change all of our zillions of thoughts, do this: Pay attention to the FEELINGS that your thoughts are generating.

If you feel off the mark, which is what ‘sin’ means, literally…when you think or express a certain thought…change it.  STOP TALKING. Stop telling that horrible story. Stop that complaint that so badly wants to be heard. Stop watching the news. Stop talking about what you don’t want to happen. Stop comparing yourself to everyone else on the planet. Bite your tongue, pinch your wrist or do whatever you have to do.

Next order of business: latch onto another thought…a thought that makes you feel Good. It doesn’t matter what it is or how you get there. It can be recalling a joyful memory. It can be savoring the amazing smells wafting through the air at that exact moment. Try talking about what you DO want to manifest in your life and why! Or simply connect to your breath and be Grateful that you have the ability to breathe and breathe deep at that. Anything that gets you from point B – the icky feeling, back to point A – the feeling that just feels Good. No one has to know your process. It’s nobody’s business what gets you back to Heaven…only yours.

I am no spiritual master, obviously. Heyyyy, wait. Delete that thought. Saying that instantly made my energy go down. Believing that made me feel like I’ve got a longgggggg way to go. Take two: I am a Master in the making. Yes! There it is. Hey, why not? My vibration was instantly raised by thinking that thought.

What thought feels Good for YOU to think right now?

Are you willing to allow yourself to feel Good?

Come on…you deserve it.

Oops, there it is!

Absolute Perfection

Posted in Streaming Spirit Messages with tags , , , , , , on February 17, 2011 by Amy Kay Raymond

Upon awakening, this streaming spirit message came through:

What you’re looking for is Here. Don’t resist your Now. Embrace it. You’re entire path has been perfect. Settle into it. Resist the temptation to judge yourself. Comparison to others is the death of your Brilliance. Open yourself up to YOUR gifts and let them out. For that is Me, precious one, yearning to be EXPRESSED. Express simply to express. This is where your salvation lives. Want nothing more. Attachment to outcome is where your suffering lies. Focus on the Good that is here right now. Your Blessings are abundant.

Every soul’s path is Perfect. It is Theirs. It is Brilliant. It is Divine.

And so is Yours…


Gatekeeper of Your Joy = YOU

Posted in Uncategorized with tags , , , , , , , on February 16, 2011 by Amy Kay Raymond

When you look at this picture, what do you see?

I see a gorgeous blue sky, good smelling dirt, lovely sunlit trees, that familiar gravelly road that country and western singers croon about, peace, solitude, exciting adventures and a whole lotta mystery. I also find myself very curious as to what’s down that road. I want to know and I want to know now. What’s down there???

After noticing all of that Good stuff, my focus is then drawn to the rusty old gate that’s preventing me from experiencing all of the adventures down that road. Hmph. That weathered barricade is blocking me from my Joy. My freedom. THAT is what I know. Check out what else lies behind the gate. It’s appears to be a path that’s well lit at the beginning and then it seems to get a little darker on down the road.

Contemplate this:

Do you stop moving forward on your path when you can’t see the light?

Does your fear of the unknown stop you dead in your tracks?

Even though it looks darker down there along the path, if you look above the shade, there is clearly an abundance of light radiating from above. The light is there, but sometimes it’s so hard to see when we’re traveling through the shady parts. It during these times that it can be so tempting to simply quit. As two of my all time favorite New York City Unity ministers, Carlos W. Anderson and Paul Tenaglia used to say: “We continue walking THROUGH the valley. We are not camping out there.”

While contemplating this scene, it immediately becomes clear to me that this gate represents my old restrictive self. This restrictive gate represents all of my old patterns of thought, my fears, doubts, worries, my old thinking that clearly doesn’t work for me, all of my self-imposed limitations and my crafty old ways of self sabotage. These ego-based ways of being clearly block me from my blessed path to my authentic self. My Joy is always just out of reach.

This path is our life-long journey. Are you willing to unlock the gate and start walking…even if you don’t know where you’re going to end up?

What does your gate represent to you? What’s dreams are waiting for you behind your gate? What’s stopping you from experiencing your Brilliance?

Open the gate.

Walk on through.

Live your Joyful life.

YOU are the gatekeeper.

With Gratitude,


The Beauty of Now

Posted in Streaming Spirit Messages with tags , , , , on February 13, 2011 by Amy Kay Raymond

The picture above is one I took recently on an afternoon hike. The beauty of it all gives me goosebumps, everytime.

The verse below came through me after meditation this morning. I could keep it to myself, but maybe this is what you needed to hear today too?


Go forth, little one. Seek and ye shall find. Everything you are looking for is here, diguised by a thin veil of illusion. It’s all here for you. Only look for the Good…in everyone and everything. This is where your salvation lies. Raise your chin, feel the beauty of you and then bathe in the beauty that’s all around you.

Listen to the birds’ lullabies of love. They are singing to you and telling you to rejoice! For life is here, right now. And it is beautiful.

Open yourself up and drink it all in.

This is your Heaven.